
Work & Volunteer


i have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
knowing is not enough; we must apply.
being willing is not enough; we must do. - leonardo da vinci

Work Experience

Housing Support Specialist


City of Kansas City, MO Health Department

Kansas City, MO
May 2019 - Present

In this role I provide support across six different grants related to HIV and housing. This has been a wonderful opportunity to combine two fields I've worked in previously into one role.

  • Provide capacity building and technical assistance across six HIV and housing-related grants including two SPNS-funded initiatives
  • Serve as a liaison and relationship builder between Ryan White medical case management and housing providers
  • Time Management
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Active Listening
  • Public Speaking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Service Orientation
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Microsoft Office - Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Online case management systems - Housing Management Information System, SCOUT

Instructor, Massage Therapy

Part-Time, Contract

WellSpring School of Allied Health

Kansas City, MO
Jun 2018 - Present

I began teaching at WellSpring (my alma matter) in June 2018 after being invited to apply for a teaching position by the Massage Therapy Program Manager, who had been one of my teachers when I matriculated there.

I mostly teach in the evenings and get the honor of starting each new cohort of students on most of their first 3 months of classes. I teach Interpersonal Communications, Basic Swedish Massage, and Self Care. I have also taught some other courses including Reflexology, Assessment & Documentation Skills, and Ethics.

  • Provide instruction to students on various subjects including academic topics (communications, documentation, ethics, business management) and hands-on practice (Swedish massage, deep tissue, energy work) utilizing lesson plans and curricula set by school administrators
  • Manage classroom dynamics to provide a fun and productive learning environment, including encouraging questions and discussion, managing interpersonal conflicts effectively, and checking in with students regularly to help them stay engaged in the learning process
  • Demonstrate massage therapy techniques and provide one-on-one and group guidance during student practice sessions
  • 98.68% satisfaction with instructor as assessed by students at end of courses
  • 99.6% overall score on 30-day evaluation from Program Manager
  • 12 complete courses taught (in addition to substitute teaching)
  • 98 total class sessions taught
  • 392 hours of classroom instruction
  • Time Management
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Active Listening
  • Public Speaking & Instructing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Service Orientation
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Learning Management System - BrightSpace
  • Google - Gmail, Drive, Docs, Slides
  • Copier & Printing
  • Projecting Slides & Videos

Licensed Massage Therapist

Self-Owned Business

Bodywork by Travis

Kansas City, MO
Jul 2010 - Present

For much of my massage career I've worked part-time from home, though there have been a couple of times where I've worked full-time in massage. For most of my clients I combine relaxation massage with some deep tissue work, energy balancing, and stretching.

  • Provide a variety of massage therapy services including relaxation, deep tissue, stretching and energy balancing modalities to clients in home-based personal business.
  • Manage all aspects of business including finances, marketing, customer service and scheduling.



  • Successfully established self-owned business first in Topeka, KS, and then in Kansas City metro
  • Built and maintained client base of over 200 clients
  • Developed routine for and facilitated free couples' massage workshops at local retreat event for 6 years


  • Customer Service
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Active Listening
  • Assessment
  • Documentation
  • Scheduling & Time Management
  • Social Marketing
  • Client Education
  • Scheduling Software - Google Calendar, Online Booking System
  • Email - Gmail
  • Financial Software - Online Banking, Microsoft Excel

Program Manager


Good Samaritan Project

Kansas City, MO
Aug 2014 - Nov 2017

I originally started work at Good Samaritan Project (GSP) as a temporary, part-time employee. On my first day, they gave me a promotion and asked me to consider going full-time. At the end of my first month there, I went full-time and shortly after became one of the four members of the executive management team.

Much of my work with the agency involved rebuilding programs as well as relationships with community partners. I led by example, showing both my staff and other agencies' staff that none of us could do all the work that needed to be done alone; we had to work together if we hoped to accomplish anything of note. When we all started working together we saw much more success than we had in the past, and that legacy of community synergy continues today, even though I don't work there anymore.

Ultimately I left the agency due to a couple of reasons. The agency needed to cut some funding, and though my position wasn't on the chopping block, I opted to take a voluntary layoff to help ease their financial burden. At the time I was in school (Centriq) full-time and chose to take the time off to more fully focus on that area of my life.

  • Managed all aspects of public health program, including HIV and STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing and screening program, interventions with high-risk groups, and community education. Provided reports on program deliverables, and served on multiple community planning groups.
  • Served as a leader on both the senior management team and through supervision of three full-time staff and various student interns and volunteers.
  • Provided public health training to diverse groups from school-age youth to professional adults in a variety of settings including classrooms and professional conferences.
  • Developed and maintained database for client data utilizing Microsoft Excel and Access and provided technical training for staff and volunteers on proper utilization.



Testing Program Improvements
  • From previous paper record tabulation system, built electronic database, leading to more accurate data reporting and tracking
  • Designed new client intake form, resulting in more accurate risk assessment and service provision
  • Changed walk-in testing hours to afternoon/evening to make services more accessible, which increased testing numbers significantly
  • Implemented additional service offerings for gonorrhea and chlamydia testing, resulting in better screening for STIs
  • Advocated for, hired, and trained new position of Testing Program Coordinator, resulting in better efficiency in service provision
Community Collaboration
  • Led the effort to create the "Body Shop" collaborative effort between Good Samaritan Project, KC CARE Health Center, and the KC Health Department to provide HIV, STI, Hepatitis, and other screenings at annual festival, leading to increase in testing numbers, increase in positivity rates, and more efficient screening process
  • Created and chaired the KC PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) Task Force, resulting in increased collaboration and information sharing among community partners
  • Served in leadership roles on the Missouri Comprehensive Community Planning Group (CPPG) and as a member of the Integrated Plan Committee, providing valuable local representation and leadership at the state level
  • Served as United Way Campaign Manager for 4 years, increasing staff participation to 100% for all 4 years, and increasing and maintaining total amount contributed by over 275% from the year before I took on the role
  • Served as agency's AIDS Walk Captain for 3 years, creating fun activities and motivating incentives to increase staff participation in personal fundraising significantly and raise agency visibility at annual events.


  • Active Listening
  • Complex Problem-Solving
  • Management of Personnel Resources
  • Fundraising
  • Time Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Systems Analysis & Evaluation
  • Professional Writing
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Budget Management & Analysis
  • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, OneNote
  • Google: Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Slides, Sheets
  • Online Client Database: SCOUT

Program Manager


KS Dept of Health & Environment

Topeka, KS
Jul 2010 - Aug 2013

Coming Soon

  • Managed implementation of federal HIV and hepatitis prevention grant activities, including prevention interventions (DEBIs), condom distribution, policy initiatives, HIV community planning, technical and capacity building assistance, and program monitoring and evaluation
  • Coordinated production of grant applications and reports, including writing majority of content and gathering pertinent information from other programs
  • Developed, monitored, and expended prevention budget of over $1 million annually
  • Supervised program staff including health educator, direct client service provider, evaluation coordinator, and grants manager
  • Served as state co-chair for integrated care and prevention statewide HIV and hepatitis planning group, including guiding the group’s formation from separate care and planning groups. Served as the state health department representative on the Kansas City Comprehensive HIV Planning Council, including serving as Chair of the Council for two years
  • Participated as an active member on the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors’ (NASTAD) Gay Men’s Health Equity Workgroup
  • Wrote statewide press releases for awareness events
  • Provided presentations at regional conferences and trainings for clinicians, case managers, community services providers, and community members
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Grants Manager


KS Dept of Health & Environment

Topeka, KS
Nov 2009 - Jul 2010

Coming Soon

  • Performed monitoring audits and service utilization reviews of HIV medical case management sites
  • Provided technical assistance to contract agencies on how to effectively use online database and follow policies and procedures as established by state program
  • Assisted program director with completion of grant applications and reports
  • Reorganized and rewrote medical case management standards of care and developed testing materials for the standards for medical case managers
  • Provided technical assistance and capacity building workshops at annual case manager training
  • Participated as state health department support staff for the Kansas Ryan White Part B Planning Body. Served as the state health department representative on the Kansas City Comprehensive HIV Planning Council and as the Chair of the Prevention Committee
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Education & Outreach Coordinator


Planned Parenthood

Kansas City, MO
Mar 2008 - Nov 2009

Coming Soon

  • Implemented educational programs to provide community members, both youth and adults, with comprehensive sexuality education in diverse settings including schools, nonprofit organizations, churches, community centers, and youth service organizations
  • Wrote content for grant narratives and reports and presented grant proposals to potential grantors
  • Assisted with agency grassroots organizing including petition gathering, co-facilitation of monthly community meetings, and direction of book club. Participated in lobby days at state capitals, serving as a team captain to assist constituents in meeting with their legislators
  • Served as a voting community member of the Kansas City Comprehensive HIV Planning Council and as the Vice-Chair of the Prevention Committee. Participated in other metro-wide professional meetings designed to coordinate services and work to fill service gaps
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Prevention Specialist


Swope Health Services

Kansas City, MO
Apr 2007 - Nov 2009

Coming Soon

  • Implemented curricula designed to provide racial and ethnic minority elementary, junior high and high school-aged youth with substance abuse and violence prevention education in community and school-based settings
  • Responsible for setting up new implementation sites and providing informational tabling at health fairs, back to school fairs, and community sites
  • Participated in metro-wide prevention planning group, including assisting with organizing annual regional conference and providing training at conference
  • Provided administrative support to program staff by entering data, preparing reports, and completing various other administrative tasks



Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Program Coordinator


Synergy Services

Parkville, MO
Feb 2005 - Mar 2008

Coming Soon

Transitional Living Program Coordinator
  • Supervised the day-to-day operations of a transitional living program for homeless youth, including supervision of staff and program volunteers
  • Modeled proper case management, mentoring, tutoring, and other youth development skills for staff through direct interaction with clients and staff coaching
  • Provided monthly and yearly program reporting for agency and grantors
  • Managed tracking of client financial systems and assisted program manager with budget oversight
  • Promoted program and agency in community through various coalition meetings and interviewed all potential clients with assistance of program staff
  • Facilitated weekly program staff meeting and client life skills classes
Street Outreach Advocate
  • Worked as part of a team to provide a continuum of services for runaway, homeless, and street youth. Provided youth with supportive services including linkage to community resources, assistance with finding and meeting health needs, housing such as shelter, educational materials, counseling, and transportation to appointments
  • Served as part of on-call team to pick youth up from Safe Space sites
  • Participated in community meetings with other service providers to discuss homeless youth issues specifically and youth issues in general



Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Case Manager


KC CARE Health Center

Kansas City, MO
Jan 2005 - Jan 2007

Coming Soon

Internet Prevention Specialist
  • Provided online outreach to at-risk populations to encourage prevention of and testing for sexually transmitted infections
  • Educated online contacts about risks, symptoms and testing options
  • Wrote blog articles on STI prevention and responded to online communications from community members
  • Provided HIV counseling and testing services in clinic and community settings
Youth HIV Case Manager
  • Provided case management services to youth ages 13 to 24, serving as a linkage to medical care, medication assistance, other health benefits, housing, food, clothing, transportation, education opportunities, job programs, and other supportive community resources
  • Conducted annual assessments of clients’ strengths and areas of need and worked with clients to develop service plans
Prevention Case Manager
  • Provided HIV transmission prevention counseling services to persons living with HIV/AIDS. Coordinated client services by working in collaboration with other service providers, healthcare organizations, and the HIV care system. Compiled comprehensive case histories to facilitate development of individualized risk reduction plans. Maintained regular contact with clients to provide ongoing assessment, support, and intervention based on risk reduction plans
  • Provided HIV counseling and testing services in clinic and community settings. Developed and implemented HIV prevention intervention utilizing internet chat rooms and email to bring high risk individuals in for STI testing
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Health Educator


Topeka AIDS Project

Topeka, KS
Jun 1999 - Jun 2003

Coming Soon

  • Developed and implemented activities for weekly youth group with primary focus on education around HIV prevention and health disparities
  • Conducted HIV testing with pre- and post-test counseling for walk-ins at agency and in outreach testing venues
  • Conducted community outreach and presented prevention information in public presentations to diverse audiences including youth, substance users, homeless people, incarcerated people, businesses, and faith communities
  • Participated as an associate member of the Kansas HIV Prevention Community Planning Group
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Volunteer Experience

Community Advocate & Voting Member

Various Leadership Roles

KC HIV Prevention & Care Planning Council

Kansas City, MO
Jun 2008 - Nov 2017

Coming Soon

  • Participated in and, during various chairships, facilitated monthly Ryan White Part A Planning Council meetings, including main membership meetings and at least one subcommittee monthly meeting. Voted on pertinent issues including priority setting and allocations
  • Served as Planning Council Chair for two years (2012-2014) and Vice Chair for one year (2011-2012). During chairship, represented Kansas City Planning Council at various meetings including statewide Missouri HIV Prevention Planning meetings, at Ryan White All Grantee Meeting, and on monthly calls with HRSA Ryan White Part A Project Officer
  • Served as HIV Prevention Committee Chair for two years and Vice Chair for one year. Developed program to bring in representatives from other community service providers to speak at monthly meetings and to encourage people living with and/or affected by HIV to share their personal stories with Prevention Committee members
  • Assisted with new member orientation presentations and proofreading and editing of various documents and presentations related to Planning Council
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Playing Member & Board Member

Various Leadership Roles

Mid America Freedom Band

Kansas City, MO
Jan 2005 - Mar 2017

Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon



Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Founder & Facilitator

Various Leadership Roles

Beacon Youth Group

Topeka, KS
Aug 2011 - Dec 2013

Coming Soon

  • Developed and implemented youth group activities for at-risk youth with primary focus on education around sexual health and healthy relationships
  • Coordinated involvement of other adult volunteers to provide mentoring and guidance to youth participants.

Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Member, Local & Statewide Organization

Various Leadership Roles

Equality Kansas

Topeka, KS
2002 - 2011

Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon


Student Social Worker

National Association of Social Workers - Kansas Chapter

Topeka, KS
Aug 2002 - May 2003

Coming Soon

  • Worked with Executive Director of member-driven association to provide timely information to social workers on policy and advocacy issues throughout the year, including during the 2003 Kansas Legislature season. Attended and reported on legislative committee meetings and Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board meetings. Worked with Kansas State Representative Nancy Kirk on successful 2002 reelection campaign
  • Assisted members in accessing continuing education materials and restructured continuing education library system.

Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon