
Recommendations & Reviews

i love those who can smile in trouble,
who can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.
- leonardo da vinci


AUTHOR Kate Moneymaker-Barker SUPERVISED HER AT Good Samaritan Project

I was very lucky to have Travis as a supervisor at Good Samaritan Project. He was always available and supportive to me when I had questions or needed support. He is personable yet professional and I would without hesitation trust any advice or guidance he gave me. Everyone at the agency, and the community partners we worked with, felt that way toward Travis. Travis earns the respect of everyone he works with by being knowledgeable, considerate, skilled, and passionate. I would recommend him for a wide variety of positions because I know he can excel at anything he sets out to do and any workplace would be lucky to have him.

always keeping the "why" and "vision" at the center of his work

AUTHOR Amber Cansler DIRECT SUPERVISOR AT KC Free Health Clinic

Travis has great initiative and is goal and client focused. You can expect attention to detail, always keeping the "why" and "vision" at the center of his work. Travis is a problem solver - he asks complicated questions in order to improve processes and ensure process improvement. He uses the oppose/propose skill - if he identifies a concern (especially an area that can be improved), he will come with a proposal to make it work for better outcomes for clients, for his team, and for the community. He facilitates two-way communication among teams and leadership in order to strengthen interdisciplinary teams.

Travis has a wide range of professional interests which indicates his enthusiasm for professional growth and expansion.

shows the utmost integrity in all his projects and duties

AUTHOR Anita Roman-Garcia WORKED TOGETHER AT Planned Parenthood

In the time I spent working with Travis he was a strong member of the Education and Outreach team. I found him to be very approachable and responsive. Travis was never judgmental or self-serving, an important characteristic to have in the field of sex education. He showed the utmost integrity in all his projects and duties.

Travis took his responsibilities to the community very seriously and brought new ideas to the table. Travis was well informed and continually seeking new avenues to gain more knowledge. We were all sorry to see Travis go but his commitment to making a lasting impact on the community took him to positions with a larger constituency. Thank you Travis for your contributions to the team.

If you have an opportunity to work with Travis I would not hesitate.

shows great care and dedication for the people he works with - and for


I have known Travis for at least nine years. And during this time I have observed him show great care and dedication for the people he works with—and for. Travis and I collaborated in a non-profit group a few years back, and Travis was very insightful; and he will make a truly valuable asset to absolutely any team. I recommend Travis without reservation.

accessible yet assertive demeanor

AUTHOR Stephanie Washington, MPH WORKED TOGETHER THROUGH Missouri Comprehensive Prevention Planning Group

It is my honor and privilege to recommend Mr. Travis Barnhart to your service. I have known Mr. Barnhart both professionally, as well as personally for over five years. He has worked tirelessly and passionately in the field of Public Health and has always presented himself as knowledgeable, ethical, approachable and always practicing cultural humility, which is an absolute must when effectively serving diverse populations. I am confident in his abilities to fulfill any role that he is awarded.

Mr. Barnhart possesses outstanding written and verbal skills and has the characteristics necessary to work as a part of any team, or lead independently. His accessible yet assertive demeanor equips him with the social presence to navigate gracefully amongst his peers, superiors and clientele.

I offer my hard-earned and most sincere recommendation for Mr. Barnhart in his future endeavors.

an absolute joy to work with

AUTHOR Rebecca Stern WORKED TOGETHER AT Good Samaritan Project

I worked with Travis for over a year at Good Samaritan Project where he served as Director of Prevention. Travis is an absolute joy to work with. He is kind, sweet, funny, and incredibly smart. Travis was always willing to lend me a listening ear or thoughtful social work or tech advice when I needed it. He is also very hard working and puts thought into everything he does. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with or for him is incredibly lucky!

thoughtful and intentional, honest, and has a clear vision of boundaries and ethics

AUTHOR Chuck Franks, LCSW, CST WORKED TOGETHER AT Good Samaritan Project

I have worked with Travis in a few different situations so I've seen multiple aspects of his work. I would highly recommend Travis based on his ability to think globally about problems and solutions but also to pay attention to detail. I've seen him exhibit knowledge of both local and state and federal programs and implement programing to affect change to increase agency efficiency and effectiveness within the client population. He is thoughtful and intentional, honest and has a clear vision of boundaries and ethics. I trust him to follow through on projects because I've experienced him doing so.

open door policy and wealth of knowledge

AUTHOR Trillian Svoboda, BSW SUPERVISED HER AT Good Samaritan Project

As my supervisor at the Good Samaritan Project, Travis was very detail orientated while training me in my current position. His open door policy and wealth of knowledge, made it easy for me to ask questions or needing clarification on tasks in a comfortable environment.

always willing to do whatever needed to be done

AUTHOR David Schlomer DIRECT SUPERVISOR AT Good Samaritan Project

While I was CEO of Good Samaritan Project, I hired Travis Barnhart as the Director of Prevention, and it was one of the best decisions I made. He was able to take a somewhat dysfunctional department and turn it around so that it became a well-run part of the organization. He was able to mend some major fences, which helped restore contract funding that had been lost.

Travis was always willing to do whatever needed to be done, and got along well with not only his staff, but the other managers and staff as well. He earned the respect of his staff, co-workers, and his peers in other agencies as well.

Perfect Touch

AUTHOR Facebook User CLIENT AT Bodywork by Travis

Great massage! Perfect touch.

very dedicated and passionate about his work

AUTHOR Jeni Mulqueen DIRECT SUPERVISOR AT KS Department of Health & Environment

Travis and I worked closely together as our programs overlapped in many aspects. He was very dedicated and passionate about his work. Travis made working as a team an easy job.

Travis was very detail oriented and completed his tasks within the timeframe allotted.

Travis had the respect of supervisors, co-workers and clients as well.

has a gift for bringing people together and making them care

AUTHOR Bri McClernon COWORKER AT Good Samaritan Project

I have known Travis for well over a decade through work in the sexual health arena. For I think around 4+ of those years, we actually worked closely together as part of the management team at a local non-profit. While I can't really speak to the experience and knowledge Travis has with computer programming and development, I can tell you that he was our resident IT specialist here. We would always go to him when there was some sort of technology glitch. He is very smart and quick to solve problems and always looking for solutions to make things run more efficiently. Not only that, Travis is one of the most kind and helpful people I have ever known. He has a gift for bringing people together and making them care, and for that reason, he is invaluable on a team.

He is organized, dedicated, reliable and loyal. He is pretty much the winning lottery ticket of employees. I miss working with him and miss all he brought to our agency, but fortunately still have him in my life as a friend. I cannot recommend him enough for any position. He will bring something special to wherever he goes.

Fantastic Massage

AUTHOR Facebook User CLIENT AT Bodywork by Travis

Fantastic Massage

The best

AUTHOR Facebook User CLIENT AT Bodywork by Travis

Great massage. The best.

Very Respectful and Compassionate

AUTHOR Letha Carlson FELLOW STUDENT WellSpring School of Allied Health

I attended massage school with Travis. He was always attentive and dedicated to learning. He gave wonderful massage with attention to detail and the needs of the person he was working with. Travis is very respectful and compassionate. He always made me feel safe and comfortable while we were working together.

a strong leader and encourages all around him

AUTHOR Managing Supervisor DIRECT SUPERVISOR AT KS Department of Health & Environment

Comments by supervisor on 6 month review while working as Program Manager at KDHE:

  • Travis is a strong leader and encourages all around him. He values and trusts his team and makes decisions with their involvement.
  • Community Planning Group is well-maintained and thought-through.
  • Travis truly is a team player and encourages his colleagues and subordinates.
  • Recently Travis has had to intervene to mediate an issues with an agency. He seems comfortable in this role.
  • Travis is well-spoken and articulates himself well.
  • Travis is dependable and thoughtful of his time.
  • Travis is professional and demonstrates passion for the work he does.
  • Travis remained calm and cool during a stressful time of getting the Interim Progress Report completed.
  • Travis has worked hard to structure Community Planning Group in a better way to gain input from members.

a self-starter and able to anticipate program needs

AUTHOR Managing Supervisor DIRECT SUPERVISOR AT KS Department of Health & Environment

Comments by supervisor on 6 month review while working as Grants Manager at KDHE:

  • Travis always uses the greatest care when dealing with client information.
  • Travis took the lead on finishing the Standards of Care. Travis also led the team discussions in regards to the revision of the Standards.
  • Travis utilized site visits with funded agencies as a way to build a relationship with our contractors.
  • Travis has attended all scheduled Planning Council meetings and has a leadership role as the Prevention Chair.
  • Travis is doing a very good job and is a self-starter.
  • Travis has been hard at work preparing for the upcoming Case Manager Training in June. Travis has taken the lead on the exam and other pieces of the training. Travis is doing a great job keeping up with his objectives as well as any other duties assigned during our planning stages for Medical Case Management.
  • Travis is very responsible with his leave time and does not take leave unnecessarily. Travis is on time to work and communicates with supervisor if he is going to be late.
  • Travis is always available to help others if he has down time. He willingly takes on delegated tasks in order to complete a program necessity. Travis is also a self-starter and is able to anticipate program needs and start a project to fill the need.
  • Travis has started making independent decisions regarding contractor issues. Travis is always looking for educational information and will very soon be an expert in his job duties.
  • Travis is a great communicator and enjoys group processes. Travis uses his communication skills to build partnerships.
  • Travis is an independent worker who makes sure his work is conveyed to the team for input. Travis is always looking for ways to improve program standards and procedures.
  • Travis is 100% a team player. Travis sets up and facilitates group discussions on Standards of Care and Training. Travis was asked to be a part of the Prevention Social Marketing Team and took a lead role in that group.
  • Travis has many strengths that make him a great asset to the team. Travis does not wait to have tasks assigned to him. Travis will see a need and work on a project to fill the gap. He is also always available to help on many other things when asked by director or other team members. His communication skills and ability to be a a team player make him very valuable to the HIV Section.