In my early 20's, I read the book How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. From then on, I adopted a life focus of proudly exploring many different interests.
That approach has led to a diverse career in social work, massage therapy, coding, teaching, and customer service, as well as the exploration of a variety personal interests.
He is personable, yet professional, and I would without hesitation trust any advice or guidance he gave me. Travis earns the respect of everyone he works with by being knowledgeable, considerate, skilled, and passionate.
Travis has great initiative and is goal and client focused. You can expect attention to detail, always keeping the "why" and "vision" at the center of his work. Travis is a problem solver - he asks complicated questions in order to improve processes and ensure process improvement.
Travis took his responsibilities to the community very seriously and brought new ideas to the table. Travis was well informed and continually seeking new avenues to gain more knowledge. He showed the utmost integrity in all his projects and duties.
He has worked tirelessly and passionately in the field of Public Health and has always presented himself as knowledgeable, ethical, approachable and always practicing cultural humility. His accessible yet assertive demeanor equips him with the social presence to navigate gracefully amongst his peers, superiors and clientele.
He is kind, sweet, funny, and incredibly smart. Travis was always willing to lend me a listening ear or thoughtful social work or tech advice when I needed it. He is also very hard working and puts thought into everything he does.
I would highly recommend Travis based on his ability to think globally about problems and solutions but also to pay attention to detail. He is thoughtful and intentional, honest and has a clear vision of boundaries and ethics.
Travis was always willing to do whatever needed to be done, and got along well with not only his staff, but the other managers and staff as well. He earned the respect of his staff, co-workers, and his peers in other agencies as well.
He is very smart and quick to solve problems and always looking for solutions to make things run more efficiently. Not only that, Travis is one of the most kind and helpful people I have ever known. He has a gift for bringing people together and making them care, and for that reason, he is invaluable on a team.