I'm Ready to Start PrEP
You've heard about PrEP and you're ready to start. These pages are here to help you get a prescription and start taking PrEP.
Is PrEP Right for Me?
PrEP is a great prevention tool appropriate for a lot of people in different circumstances. Take a look at this checklist to make sure PrEP is a good idea for you.
Paying for PrEP
Paying for your PrEP prescription is often the most intimidating part of getting on PrEP. This page helps you figure out how affordably pay for PrEP.
The Doctor, The Lab, and The Pharmacy
Getting PrEP requires visiting a clinician/doctor, getting some labs drawn, and picking up your prescription from a pharmacy. This page helps you navigate these visits more effectively.
Got It! Now What?
Finally, you've got your PrEP in hand and are taking it! This page gives some good advice on how to stay on top of taking your PrEP and what to do if you miss a dose.